At one point in life or another, and for a myriad of reasons, we have all felt vulnerable. The feeling may manifest itself in our bodies and thoughts in different ways and we have our own ways of reacting to it. Or not reacting. I think one way of expressing this vulnerability is that it may feel like you stand before something or someone without any protection, almost like being without skin. And that we can feel the need for some kind of extra skin to wrap around us for warmth, comfort, protection, support...

If you were to make such a symbolic skin - what would it look like?

This blog is dedicated to my project Symbolic Skin. Here, I will present contributions to the project, blog abot it's process and my thoughts around it's theme. Fuller information can be found on the pages above. Feel welcome to join in, read, comment and discuss!

torsdag 30 juni 2011

The last while I have been thinking a lot about this question of vulnerability and strength, and about how to enhance and explore my relationship with nature wich I feel is a core issue for me in order to be in harmony and have the courage to expose myself as vulnerable (and open to receive and give). And so, as a sort of side project to this project, I am now trying to make natuer more present in my everyday life. Luckily enough, I happen to have come across an alottment. Just outside our house. In the middle of the city. How amazingly fortunate is that? And allthough I have been far from tending enough in this conditioner of mine (two weeks until the baby is supposed to be born), a couple of evenings ago, I found that strawberries, beetroots and carrots are making their way through the sea of weed that the allottment has been covered in. It feels so nice to grow things myself that I will be able to eat (if they don't die first), and looking at those little sprouts I feel more grounded in myself.
I've also started knitting on something else. So far, it's just a bunch of squares, but in time it will be.... something. A blanket? A shawl? I've knitted blues to symbolize water (again). Now I'm knitting greens to symbolize the forest. Reds as the fire and the sun, and greys as stones and minerals will follow. I hope that you can be inspired too, to join in this work of art. Read the pages about the project and about joining if you're curious and want to find out the details!

onsdag 15 juni 2011

Speach on vulnerability

Today I watched a really inspiring speach from one of the TED conferences (go to to find a great number of wise, inspiring, funny, smart people talking about their top subject!). The speaker is Brené Brown, a researcher who tells us about discovering the power of vulnerability. Follow the link to watch it, I really think it's worthwhile!

It connects a bit to what I wrote in my post Vulnerability. Strenght. I want to quote how she put it, because I thought it was beautiful: Vulnerability "is the core of shame, fear and our struggle for worthiness, but it appears that it is also the birthplace of joy, of creativity, of belonging, of love". So true, don't you think?

I can personally relate to this, since blogging about this project, actually trying to make it happen, and for example stating that I am/feel like an artist and creative person, makes me feel so vulnerable. I'm immediately filled with thoughts like: I can't say I'm an artist, I have no education, I don't work as an artist, I'm not good enough, people will laugh or resent me etcetera etcetera. But at the same time, as soon as I do something, whatever it is, connected to this project I feel enlivened, happy, inspired and filled with ideas. And I hope eventually this will also lead to me being connected to more of you through joining in this project together, or just through having a conversation here on the blog. Even just seeing that somebody has been here to watch puts a smile on my face =). Know you are welcome!

tisdag 7 juni 2011


I just came up with an idea of how to treat or prepare possible "paperskins" so I can sew them together with the skins of other materials. Therefore: no restrictions on creating skins in paper anymore! All of you who feel like drawing, painting, making a collage, papercutting, scrapbooking a skin - and don't feel like canvas was a good idea - welcome to participate =).

I'm still exited about the skins I've gotten so far, and am SO looking forward to coming into contact with more of you, and your creations and words and ideas!

After the summer I will also have access to a postbox, so there will be an actual adress to send skins to soon... For now, if you want to get into touch with me without leaving a comment here on the blog: email me on

Wishing you all a wonderful day!