The last while I have been thinking a lot about this question of vulnerability and strength, and about how to enhance and explore my relationship with nature wich I feel is a core issue for me in order to be in harmony and have the courage to expose myself as vulnerable (and open to receive and give). And so, as a sort of side project to this project, I am now trying to make natuer more present in my everyday life. Luckily enough, I happen to have come across an alottment. Just outside our house. In the middle of the city. How amazingly fortunate is that? And allthough I have been far from tending enough in this conditioner of mine (two weeks until the baby is supposed to be born), a couple of evenings ago, I found that strawberries, beetroots and carrots are making their way through the sea of weed that the allottment has been covered in. It feels so nice to grow things myself that I will be able to eat (if they don't die first), and looking at those little sprouts I feel more grounded in myself.
I've also started knitting on something else. So far, it's just a bunch of squares, but in time it will be.... something. A blanket? A shawl? I've knitted blues to symbolize water (again). Now I'm knitting greens to symbolize the forest. Reds as the fire and the sun, and greys as stones and minerals will follow. I hope that you can be inspired too, to join in this work of art. Read the pages about the project and about joining if you're curious and want to find out the details!