I, Robin Knight, who am behind this project am a certified psychologist. I have also attended an education in acting at the Elementary School of Theatre in Stockholm (SET). At this point in time I work as a research assistant. This I will, however, not keep up for very long, since me and the man with whom I share my life are expecting our second child mid-July.
As a psychologist, I have a great interest for certain themes, such as how it may be possible to sustain a feeling of meaningfulness in life and in the everyday routine, how one can create a peaceful world without violence, war or prejudice, as well as what function creative, artistic activities may have for us as individuals and the societies we are part of.
All throughout my life I have expressed myself through different artforms, in different periods. I have sung, played the violine, written songs, poems and stories, played theatre, danced and painted. For a long time I have searched for professions and ways of living which follow the norms of my environment. It is first at this point in life I have come to realize that no matter how I make my money, what I am is first and foremost an artist. I hope through this project (amongst other things) coming a little bit closer to finally living as one – no matter what everybody else thinks or says.