Anybody is welcome to participate – there is no need to be educated in an art or even be used to create in different ways. All that is required is a wish to participate and an idea of how you would like to create your own Symbolic Skin – the skin you would like to symbolically carry when facing vulnerability to protect yourself, or to give yourself the courage to actually be vulnerable. Any material and any method may be used. You can (for example) knit, sew, crochet, make some sort of collage, draw or paint (canvas is easier for me to handle, but I will manage paper as well) or whatever else you may come up with. The only restrictions are that your Symbolic Skin can be transported or sent to me and that I can sew it together with the other Symbolic Skins to make the final work of art. Besides that the only limit is your imagination!
The project also entails a written part in which of course participation is voluntary. For one thing it would be interesting if you would write down a few words you feel represent yourself, such as your name, age, sex, profession, interests, where you live – anything you choose. Of course you may also join this project anonymously. In that case, it might be good if you gave me some way of contacting you if so would be needed, for questions or information. Just tell me you want to remain anonymous. The other part of this written part of the project is that you are also welcome to write a few words, many words or just one word, about why you might need this Symbolic Skin sometimes, and what it represents for you. Of course this is also voluntary. I will take a picture of each work of art, or a detail of it to publish here on the blog, if there is also a written part I will post part of that as well. If you want to join the project, but not have your Symbolic Skin or your words in this blog, just tell me!
If you wish to participate by sending me your symbolic skin and/or words on the subject, do so at this adress:
Robin Knight
PB 21027
10031 Stockholm
If you wish to contact me , or participate only with words, you can do so through leaving a comment in the blog or reach me at my email address:
Robin Knight
PB 21027
10031 Stockholm
If you wish to contact me , or participate only with words, you can do so through leaving a comment in the blog or reach me at my email address:
I will stop the gathering of Symbolic Skins when I have the amount I need for putting the exhibition togheter or at the latest on new years eve 2012. Read more about the exhibition/the final product on the page Purpose of the project. Those work of arts that are on the way in the mail, or have been commenced will of course be received and integreated in the best way possible. That means that if you have started working on something, and read here that I’m closing up the collection fase – finish it and send it in anyway!
I have tried to be as clear as I can on what one is supposed to do, but knowing by experience sometimes being clear is harder than one thinks I want to say you are SO welcome to pose any questions you may have, here on the blog or by mail!