At one point in life or another, and for a myriad of reasons, we have all felt vulnerable. The feeling may manifest itself in our bodies and thoughts in different ways and we have our own ways of reacting to it. Or not reacting. I think one way of expressing this vulnerability is that it may feel like you stand before something or someone without any protection, almost like being without skin. And that we can feel the need for some kind of extra skin to wrap around us for warmth, comfort, protection, support...

If you were to make such a symbolic skin - what would it look like?

This blog is dedicated to my project Symbolic Skin. Here, I will present contributions to the project, blog abot it's process and my thoughts around it's theme. Fuller information can be found on the pages above. Feel welcome to join in, read, comment and discuss!

fredag 21 oktober 2011

challenge number 3

And so time goes by. Day adds to day turns into weeks and then into months.
I procrastinate.
Everyday is the day when I am going to do all the things I decided to do as to make this project get going, come more alive. Everyday is the day that I don't. It begins to feel like a must, like a chore. It gives me guilt and gives voice to those whispers I know far too well:
"Well, you never get round to doing anything anyway. You never finish anything. All your projects turn out as nothing. Why not just forget about it all?"
My challenge now is not to distance myself from this project. Not to start telling myself that it really doesn't matter.
Because it does.
My challenge now is to remember how I felt when I had the idea, when I started planning it and when I talk to people about it:
Lit up.
Happy and giggly.
And hold on to that feeling. And have the courage to wait. I know there are contributions making their way to me. I know there are many people I could reach that might want to join. I just have to forgive myself (again) for being human and not getting the things done that I want. And try again.
Maybe this evening.
Maybe tomorrow.

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