At one point in life or another, and for a myriad of reasons, we have all felt vulnerable. The feeling may manifest itself in our bodies and thoughts in different ways and we have our own ways of reacting to it. Or not reacting. I think one way of expressing this vulnerability is that it may feel like you stand before something or someone without any protection, almost like being without skin. And that we can feel the need for some kind of extra skin to wrap around us for warmth, comfort, protection, support...

If you were to make such a symbolic skin - what would it look like?

This blog is dedicated to my project Symbolic Skin. Here, I will present contributions to the project, blog abot it's process and my thoughts around it's theme. Fuller information can be found on the pages above. Feel welcome to join in, read, comment and discuss!

onsdag 16 november 2011

It begins with a p.

I still haven't tried to contact possible people and contexts that might like to join this project. Still! I cannot believe how frightened I must be to make it so difficult for me. I still feel so sure that it is a good idea, and I am convinced the end result will absoutely fantastic.
And yet, when I imagine talking about it with people I feel shame. Like somehow if I ask people to actually join and try to speak up for this idea, then they will just stare at me and frown and maybe even laugh behind my back, and I will realize that of course it's ridiculous and how could I ever havecthought...
And I am also beginning to suspect that an old friend of mine is showing it's ugly face: the troll that destroys things that are good. Away with you! Maybe if I lovebomb it it will shatter, like trolls shatter when exposed to the sun? I read in an other blog about a project in which you try to write 50.000 words in a month. Maybe in a while when my daughter is a bit bigger I will set up a similar goal related to "marketing" this project and see where that takes me. Anybody else in need of such a challenge who would like to join me for company and encouragement?
Love to all of you!

fredag 11 november 2011

Words for skin number two.

The woman who sent me her symbolic skin a while ago, now completed her contribution with some words describing her thoughts behind the piece of art. Her skin can be seen here:
And so the words:

"Since I was young I have loved to experiment and play up colours and shapes with fabric and
yarn. For several years I had a business where I created clothes which purpose was not solely to protect against cold but were also supposed to offer a second skin. An extra skin that in the correct and unique guise in colour, shape and material could work as some sort of soul shield – a symbolic skin to protect and give inner balance to the person wearing them.

This, my symbolic skin is a soft and strong shield made through dying in my pot in the
garden and through matting and uniting different sorts of wool fibers as well as old and new pieces of fabric.
Violetblue and redorange are my favorite colours at the moment
- blue for the deep ocean and orange for the life-giving fire."
Especially this life-giving fire is something I really also would like to wrap around myself now that november is turning colder and colder with every day here in Sweden.
Love to all of you!

torsdag 3 november 2011

Vi möts i en värld. We meet in a world.

I proudly present to you the latest contribution to this slowly forming cobweb of art a beutiful poem sent to me (translated into english at the end):

Vi möts i en värld
”Under långa dagar, långa nätter sover vi inte
Under långa armar, långa ben, långa kroppar håller vi oss varma
Under lång tortyr, under lång vilja, under lång samarbete håller vi oss
Var är du? När kommer du hit?
Väntar du på min rop?
Vill du komma och överraska mig?
Jag är inte en människa, jag är hundra, tusen och miljoner människor
samtidigt. Vi har varit här lång tid men du ser inte oss, trots att vi är
Mitt land, vårt land ligger i världens hjärta.
Se du nu på oss?
Snart ska vi mötas i en värld.”
We meet in a world
"During long days, long nights we don't sleep
Under long arms, long legs, long bodies we keep ourselves warm
During long torture, long will, long collaboration we keep
Where are you? When are you coming here?
Are you waiting for my cry?
Will you come and surprise me?
I am not one human, I am one hundred, one thousand, one million humans
at once. We have been here for a long time but you don't see us, even though we are
My country, our country is in the heart of the world.
Are you looking at us now?
Soon we shall meet in a world."
All my love and thanks to the lovely person/poet!